Monday, February 9, 2015

Old Reliable and the Basic Wardrobe

Groundbreaking yet confusing film--but oh the fashion and cool hair!
I stumbled upon this "mood board" on a new blog I found.  I love the look.  Effortless, chic, easy, cool, put-together.  A classic.  Since it is a classic, it wasn't just invented today.  Probably an early benchmark of the cool chick look can be seen above, in one of my favorite movies (confounding though it may be), Breathless.  That's Jean Seberg, pictured, above.  The main character in the groovy, jump-cut-filled film.  Google her to learn more about her sad life and tragic death.

The film was made during a time when women were generally expected to wear gloves, girdles, etc...  Especially in America.  Pre-marital sex was an obvious no-no as well.  The movie, undeniably fresh and modern even now, was groundbreaking.  The look, an instant classic.

The ingredients for the look are:
  • Breton stripe tee-shirt, preferably long or 3/4 sleeve, preferably bateau neck
  • Loose, flowing knee-length skirt or slacks or JEANS
  • Sunglasses (optional but recommended)
  • Sass (required)
This look resonates so much that every other fashion blog recently has posted something similar, especially with the new trends of:
  • Reduced consumerism
  • Retro/Classic/Vintage Cool
  • Normcore and Basics (but not bitches)
There is all sorts of good news in this.  In the mood board link above, the classic striped top is paired with patchy beat up blue jeans, flat boots, and hiking socks.  All utilitarian, classic looks that aren't just making a comeback, but never went away in the first place.  Hiking socks I am seeing everywhere, and I LOVE that, because my feet are almost always cold.  And I will always love a good pair of blue jeans with a good shirt.

But the best news is this:  The look can be as cheap or expensive if you want it.  And I want it to be cheap.  After all, I am trying to save for a house (which, in the Bay Area, will take YEARS, but every penny helps).

Go to the thrift store.  My favorite is Thrift Town.  Go to the women's or kid's section.  There is your pick of all sorts of striped shirts, in fits ranging from slim to artfully baggy, all for a couple bucks.  Then, go to the women's or men's section (men's seems to have some good vintage Levi's usually, but my giant hips will not fit in them).  There is your pick of all sorts of delightfully worn jeans with a gorgeous patina that you would have to pay a designer upwards of $200 to obtain, all for a couple bucks (the most expensive pair I have found was a Paige denim pair for $12, retailed at $180).  Accessories are easy:  maybe a funky scarf to add some panache.  Maybe a cool pair of Audrey Hepburn-wannabe shades.  Shoes?  You can go the easy route in ballet flats or Chelsea boots, or get some crazy 70's wedges if you're lucky enough to shop somewhere that still has stuff pre-1990.

Your outfit is put together, unique, and YOU.  And my guess is, the entire lot cost you around $30 or less.  The beautiful thing about chic stuff is you will never fill ripped off.  It's a can't fail look.

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