Friday, February 6, 2015

Stupid Easy: Homemade Nachos

Don't worry, it's fat free Greek yogurt!  :-D
I was supposed to make some nachos for Super Bowl.  I don't really like football or follow anything related to it, but it's important to my brother, so I had him and his girlfriend over.  His girlfriend, my husband, and I are all equally apathetic toward football, but we can all agree that food is awesome!  Bro's girlfriend brought banh mi (Vietnamese sandwiches), so needless to say, we were too full for my nachos.  I saved them for Monday night instead.  Heck, we still had some commercials to watch anyway, since we don't get broadcast TV (not missing much there).

I know some families make nachos all the time, or at least every Friday night.  We don't.  Growing up, we never did, either.  No clue why.  But there you have it.

Probably the best tip with these that I got online was to LAYER them.  So, I gathered my ingredients:
  • One bag of STURDY corn tortilla chips (I chose Trader Joe's brand yellow corn tortilla chips)
  • Two 12 oz cans of beans (I chose TJ's Cuban style black beans)
  • Two bags of pre-shredded cheese or a pound block, shredded (again with the TJ's here)
  • One small can of sliced olives
  • One small can of sliced pickled jalapenos
  • Salsa of your choice
  • Fresh cherry tomatoes (optional, but they add freshness)
  • Guacamole or avocado mashed up (avocados seem to suck around here, even though it's California and that just shouldn't happen.  I get TJ's packaged version, basically mushed avocados)
  • Sour cream or Greek yogurt (I used TJ's fat-free Greek yogurt, which is why I could glop it on like that)
  • Several (5-6) green onions, snipped or sliced
Layer one layer (yes, layer, not pile) of chips.  Then put some queso.  Then beans.  Then chips, and repeat the layering process till you run out of chips or space.  Then for the last layer, put even more cheese (you want it ooey gooey), plus the olives, jalapenos (yes, I wanted them baked--yum), tomatoes/salsa (roasted tomatoes = yum).  Put oven to about 400*F--it doesn't matter, but you want it to warm through and roast the top.  Bake for about 15 minutes (check to make sure it's warmed through and cheese is bubbly).  Top with guacamole, sour cream, and snipped green onions.  Serve, and rejoice!

NOTE:  If you have leftovers, they make EXCELLENT chilaquiles or you can just heat the whole damn thing up again, which is what I did, and it was darn tasty.

Plus, it's vegetarian, so it's healthy, right?  ;-)

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